Manifestation Mastery Workshop Aug 22, 2015 1-3pm in Berkeley, CA

Manifestation Mastery Workshop

Saturday, August 22, 2015, 1 - 3pm, $40

at Angel Light Books & Gifts

3347 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Berkeley, California, 94703

Dear Lightworkers and Awakened Beings,

What do you want to manifest in your life?
Love? Financial Freedom? Harmony in relationships? Peace? More time for yourself? Better health?

I invite you to join me for this special 2-hour gathering to identify and clear what is delaying or blocking your manifestations. As a group, we will utilize special, powerful techniques to clarify intention and to welcome in the manifestation of our desires.

The process we will experience at this gathering can be repeated on your own to manifest even more!

Guided Meditation - This will help us to arrive in the space and align us as a group in powerful, harmonious vibration.

Setting Intention to Manifest - Each person will identify an aspect of their experience to focus on for this time. We will use our voices and awareness to access the energy of creation.

Energy Clearing to Remove Obstacles - If our desires are not yet in our current experience then something is delaying or blocking them. You will receive guidance to identify and resolve anything that is blocking the full experience of your manifestations.

Clarifying Intention - Unclear intentions can cause delays in manifestation because they cloud our creative energy and dilute our focus. We will be guided through creating a clear version of what we expect to experience through the fulfillment of our manifestations.

Manifestation Experiencing - This is the icing on the cake. We will learn a unique practice that helps us to receive our desires into our current experience and beyond!

I look forward to gathering with you for this group experience in creative mastery!!

RSVP at meetup:

RSVP at facebook:

With Love and Gratitude,


*If you are unable to join us in person in Berkeley for this event, it is also available as a special Holistic Counseling session with individual guidance through the Manifestation Mastery process.
Click here to Contact Shaun to schedule your individual Manifestation Mastery session.

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